Entrepreneurship School®

Terms and Conditions

Service 1: Business Plans and Company Profiles

A. Business Plan Pro® Service Details

My SME provides a Business Plan service under the brand Business Plan Pro®. My SME™ provides various different types of Business Plans under Business Plan Pro ®, as mentioned below:

A.1) Entry Level Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R3,490.

Timeframe: 7 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their market and industry research in full. My SME™ uses the information, market and industry research provided by the client to write a Business Plan in a professional layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements. The Entry Level Business Plan does not include market or industry research for the client. My SME™ only works with the information provided by the client.

A.2) Industry Specific Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R4,490.

Timeframe: 7 Working Days.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their market and industry research in full. My SME™ uses the information, market and industry research provided by the client to write an Industry Specific Business Plan in a professional layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements. The Entry Level Business Plan does not include market or industry research for the client. My SME™ only works with the information provided by the client.

My SME™ has done market and industry research for the following industries: 

– Agriculture.

– Security.

– Car Wash.

– Property.

– Laundry.

– Catering.

– Transport and Logistics.

– Construction.

– Cleaning.

Based on this market and industry research My SME™ makes various suggestions on behalf of the client if they select the industry business plan option. The onus is on the client to use My SME™’s amendment arrangement to apply for any changes regarding the market and industry research if they are not satisfied.

A.3) Comprehensive Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R9,990.

Timeframe: 14 Working day turnaround time.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Market / Industry Research: My SME™ does market research on behalf of the client for the Comprehensive Business Plan. When a client approaches My SME™ for a Comprehensive Business Plan, the onus of a feasibility or non-disclosure agreement lies with the client, which gives My SME™ the permission to do market research on their behalf. When the client approaches My SME™, My SME™ assumes that the feasibility agreement between the directors and the shareholders has been finalised.

Service Delivery: My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to do market research, an industry analysis and ultimately write a Business Plan in a comprehensive layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME™ will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements’.

A.4) Specialised Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R19,990.

Timeframe: 21 Working day turnaround time.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Market / Industry Research: My SME™ does market research on behalf of the client. When a client approaches My SME™ for a Specialised Business Plan, the onus of a feasibility or non-disclosure agreement lies with the client, which gives My SME™ the permission to do market research on their behalf. When the client approaches My SME™, My SME™ assumes that the feasibility agreement between the directors and the shareholders has been finalised.

Service Delivery: My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to do market research, an industry analysis and ultimately write a Business Plan in a specialised layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME™ will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements’.

My SME™ writes all its Business Plans on My SME™’s software business plan tool and print it in pdf format when finalised. The client will receive their Business Plan in pdf format The client receives an opportunity to read through his / her Business Plan, if the client requires amendments to his / her Business Plan, they qualify for one free amendment and have two weeks to request amendments to the Business Plan from the date of delivery. If the client requests amendments after the two week timeframe from the date of delivery, additional charges will comply according to the time the amendments will take to complete.

If the client requests a custom business plan that goes out of My SME™’s software scope, My SME™ will write a custom business plan. The cost will be determined by the amount of changes to the general My SME™ business plan structure.

A.5) Standard Custom Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R14,990.

Timeframe: 21 Working day turnaround time.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Market / Industry Research: My SME™ does market research on behalf of the client for the Comprehensive Business Plan. When a client approaches My SME™ for a Comprehensive Business Plan, the onus of a feasibility or non-disclosure agreement lies with the client, which gives My SME™ the permission to do market research on their behalf. When the client approaches My SME™, My SME™ assumes that the feasibility agreement between the directors and the shareholders has been finalised.

Service Delivery: My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to do market research, an industry analysis and ultimately write a Business Plan in a comprehensive layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME™ will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements’.

If a client requires more than 5 changes to the general My SME™ business plan structure, the client needs to take the Advanced Custom Business Plan Service.

A.6) Advanced Custom Business Plan Service Details

Cost: R19,990.

Timeframe: 28 Working day turnaround time.

Requirements: A business plan questionnaire.

Market / Industry Research: My SME™ does market research on behalf of the client. When a client approaches My SME™ for a Specialised Business Plan, the onus of a feasibility or non-disclosure agreement lies with the client, which gives My SME™ the permission to do market research on their behalf. When the client approaches My SME™, My SME™ assumes that the feasibility agreement between the directors and the shareholders has been finalised.

Service Delivery: My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to do market research, an industry analysis and ultimately write a Business Plan in a specialised layout. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME™ will not be held liable if the Business Plan is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with funding / investment requirements’.

My SME™ writes all its Business Plans on My SME™’s software business plan tool and print it in pdf format when finalised. The client will receive their Business Plan in pdf format The client receives an opportunity to read through his / her Business Plan, if the client requires amendments to his / her Business Plan, they qualify for one free amendment and have two weeks to request amendments to the Business Plan from the date of delivery. If the client requests amendments after the two week timeframe from the date of delivery, additional charges will comply according to the time the amendments will take to complete.

If the client requests a custom business plan that goes out of My SME™’s software scope, My SME™ will write a custom business plan. The cost will be determined by the amount of changes to the general My SME™ business plan structure. 

B. Payment Terms and Conditions

B.1) Entry Level Business Plan

The Professional Business Plan costs R3,490. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.2) Comprehensive Business Plan

The Comprehensive Business Plan costs R9,900. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.3) Specialized Business Plan

The Specialized Business Plan costs R19,900. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

C. Non Guarantees

My SME™ provides a Business Plan service that is up to date and complies with most financial and government institutes in South Africa. My SME™ does not guarantee the following:

– Funding for your business.

– Investments for your business.

– Funding or a Funding Application at any given institute.

– Tenders or a Tender Application at any given institute.

– A Successful Brand Strategy.

– Successful Business Systems.

– A Successful Business Launch.

– A Successful Business.

It is expressly recorded that no representations have been made to the client or warranties whether express or implied, having been given by or on behalf of My SME™ as to the products or service provided by the My SME™ to the client.

The client hereby indemnifies the My SME™ against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses of whatsoever nature, including consequential claims, arising from or in connection with, the client failing to comply with its obligations in terms of this terms and conditions.

The client agrees that neither My SME™ nor any of its employees will be liable for any negligent or innocent misrepresentations made to the client, nor shall the client be entitled to cancel any contract on those grounds.

D. Premature cancellation and failure to complete the Business Plan service successfully

The once off payment or monthly payments for the Business Plans is non-refundable.

If a client wishes to end his / her Business Plan service, he / she will not be refunded for cancelling the service prematurely. The client will also not be refunded if he / she doesn’t require a Business Plan anymore.

My SME™ won’t take responsibility for the following and My SME™ will not provide the client with a refund if this is the case:

– Inability to connect to WIFI or the internet to complete the online information form, the content questionnaire or the financial questionnaire.

– Failing to finish the content questionnaire and financial questionnaire successfully.

– Failing to answer phone calls or emails which explains the steps to complete the Business Plan service successfully.

E. General T’s & C’s

This agreement wholly supersedes and replaces any previous agreement(s) concerning the provision of services by the My SME™, which may have come into existence between the parties prior to the signing of this agreement, and irrespective of whether such previous agreement(s) came into existence through conduct, orally or in writing.

No variation, suspension, deletion, amendment or modification of this agreement shall be of any force or effect, unless recorded in writing and signed by the parties, and shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose and to the extent set out.

This agreement shall not be ceded or assigned nor the rights in terms hereof pledged or made over to any other party.

No indulgence or extension granted on the part of either party in exercising any right conferred upon such party in terms of this agreement shall constitute a waiver of any such right or novation of any term hereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other future exercise thereof, or the exercise of any right under this agreement.

F. Client Agreement

The client agrees to the terms and conditions set out in the T’s & C’s section, which will be applicable to the purchase of the Entry Level Business Plan, Comprehensive Business Plan and the Specialized Business Plan. By ordering and paying for the Entry Level Business Plan, Comprehensive Business Plan and the Specialized Business Plan, the client confirms that they have read and understand the terms and conditions and are bound thereto.

Service 2: Professional Business Coaching, Entrepreneurship Programmes and Online Business Course.

My SME™ provides an educational and coaching service in the form of an Online Business Course or a Business Coaching Programme. The focus of the Online Business Course and the Business Coaching Programme is to help Entrepreneurs and Business Owners with the knowledge, skills and practical solutions to start and grow a Business in South Africa.

My SME™ offers Professional Business Coaching services under the brand Small Business Coach®.

My SME™ offers an Online Business Course service under the brand Entrepreneurship School®.

My SME™ is an accredited entity with Services Seta (Acc No: 13719) and Brend Badenhorst is an accredited professional Business Coach with the IMCSA (IMC737), the My SME™ Business Coaching Programme is an IMCSA accredited programme. It is a Business Coaching Programme, focused on realistic and practical solutions to start and grow a business in South Africa. 

My SME™ is also an accredited Business Coach Training Provider with the IMCSA (073PIMC).

Included in the Online Business Course is 58 Business Growth Videos and the My SME Business Manual.

Included in the 12 Week Business Coaching Programme is 12 weekly Business Coaching sessions of 1 hour each. Additionally, the following material is included: the My SME Manual, a 12 Month Financial Projection Template, an HR Department Template and a Marketing / Sales Template.

Every student/client enrolling in the Online Business Course or Business Coaching Programme must comply with the following:

– The student/client must own a laptop, computer or smart phone device or have access to a laptop, computer or smart phone device.

– The student/client must have access to WIFI or internet.

– The student/client must own a Gmail Account. (If the student doesn’t have a Gmail Account, they need to register a Gmail Account and send the email address to the admin department of the My SME™ before the Programme commences).

B. Payment Terms and Conditions

B.1) Business Coaching Programme

The cost of the Business Coaching Programmes various between R975 – R6,900 per session. To successfully enrol in the Business Coaching Programme one of the following payment options must be chosen:

Option 1: Once-off payment.

Option 2: Payment plan consisting of monthly payments over a period of three months.

B.2) Online Business Course

The cost of the Online Business Course is R690 (if a student pays via credit card, they will get a 30% discount and only pay R490). To successfully enrol in the Business Programme one of the following payment options must be chosen:

Option 1: Once-off payment of R690 via EFT.

Option 2: Credit Card Payment of R490.

C. Non Guarantees My SME™ provides you with the best practical platform on which you can apply the principles and knowledge taught during the Online Business Course and Business Coaching Programmes to start and grow your business.

My SME™ does not guarantee the following:

– A Business Plan

– Five-year financial predictions / assumptions for your business

– Funding or a Funding Application at any given institute

– Tenders or a Tender Application at any given institute

– Compliance Registration

– A Successful Brand Strategy

– Successful Business Systems

– A Successful Business Launch

– A Successful Business

It is expressly recorded that no representations have been made to the student or warranties whether express or implied, having been given by or on behalf of the My SME™ as to the products or service provided by the My SME™ to the student.

The student hereby indemnifies the My SME™ against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses of whatsoever nature, including consequential claims, arising from or in connection with, the Student failing to comply with its obligations in terms of this terms and conditions.

The student agrees that neither the My SME™ nor any of its employees will be liable for any negligent or innocent misrepresentations made to the Student, nor shall the Student be entitled to cancel any contract on those grounds.

D. Premature cancellation and failure to complete the Online Business Course or Business coaching Programmes successfully is the responsibility of the client. The once off payment or monthly payments for the Online Business Course or Business coaching Programmes are non-refundable.

If a student wishes to end his / her participation in the Online Business Course or Business coaching Programmes, he / she will not be refunded for exiting the services prematurely.

My SME™ won’t take responsibility for the following and My SME™ will not provide the student with a refund if this is the case:

– Inability to connect to WIFI or the internet for streaming of live classes via the online platform.

– Failing to finish the Entrepreneurship Programme successfully.

– Failing to attend class or a coaching session.

– Failing to catch-up on the class he / she missed through the playback link sent to the student after the class ends.

– Failing to use the practical platform to discover his / her internal entrepreneur.

– Failing to complete the Business Starter Blueprint.

– Failing to complete the Business Start-up Plan template.

– Failing to complete his / her financial analysis.

– Failing to register his / her compliance.

– Failing to create a brand strategy.

– Failing to use the prototype systems in google sheets to create systems for his / her business.

E. General T’s & C’sThis agreement wholly supersedes and replaces any previous agreement(s) concerning the provision of services by the My SME™, which may have come into existence between the parties prior to the signing of this agreement, and irrespective of whether such previous agreement(s) came into existence through conduct, orally or in writing.

No variation, suspension, deletion, amendment or modification of this agreement shall be of any force or effect, unless recorded in writing and signed by the parties, and shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose and to the extent set out.

This agreement shall not be ceded or assigned nor the rights in terms hereof pledged or made over to any other party.

No indulgence or extension granted on the part of either party in exercising any right conferred upon such party in terms of this agreement shall constitute a waiver of any such right or novation of any term hereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other future exercise thereof, or the exercise of any right under this agreement.

E. Student Agreement The student / client agrees to the terms and conditions set out in the T’s & C’s section, which will be applicable to the purchase of the Online Business Course or Business coaching Programmes. By ordering and paying for the Online Business Course or Business coaching Programmes, the student / client confirms that they have read and understand the terms and conditions and are bound thereto.

Service 3: My SME™ Branding & Marketing 

A.1) Entry Level Brand Package

Cost: R3,490.

Timeframe: 7 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A branding questionnaire.


– 3 x Standard Logo Concepts

– Business Card Design

– WhatsApp/Digital Advert

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to setup a standard brand. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the standard brand is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Entry Level Brand Package consists of 3 standard logos that has not been custom made. This Entry Level Brand Package also does not include custom amendments to the 3 standard logos made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.2) Small Business Brand Package

Cost: R7,990.

Timeframe: 14 Working Days.

Requirements: A branding questionnaire.


– 3 x Custom Logo Concepts

– Business Card Design

– Email Signature

– Letterhead

– Brand Style Guide

– WhatsApp/Digital Advert

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to create a custom brand. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the custom brand is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Small Business Brand Package consists of 3 custom logos , this Small Business Brand Package does include custom amendments to the 3 custom logos made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.3) Advanced Brand Package

Cost: R14,990.

Timeframe: 21 Working Days.

Requirements: A branding questionnaire.


– Brand Strategy

– 5 x Custom Logo Concepts

– Business Card Design

– Email Signature

– Letterhead

– 1 Page Company Profile

– Brand Manual

– Social Media Templates

– WhatsApp/Digital Advert

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to create a custom brand. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the custom brand is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Advanced Brand Package consists of 3 custom logos , this Advanced Brand Package does include custom amendments to the 3 custom logos made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.4) Entry Level Website

Cost: R3,990.

Additional Hosting Fees: R99 per month. My SME™ provides a hosting service that is not included in the R3,990 cost for the Entry Level Website. 

Timeframe: 14 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A website questionnaire.


– Slider and Header with CTA

– Descriptive ‘About’ Section

– Products and Services Section

– Accreditations and Affiliations

– Inspirational Quote Banners

– Testimonials

– Contact Us Section

– Application Form

– Images and Copywriting incl*

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. Included in the questionnaire is a mandate for a monthly debit order that is for the monthly hosting fees. The questionnaire also provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to register or transfer a domain for the client and setup a standard 1 page website. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the standard 1 page website is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Entry Level Website consists of a 1 page website that has not been custom made. This Entry Level Website also does not include custom amendments to the 1 page website made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.5) Standard Website

Cost: R8,990.

Additional Hosting Fees: R149 per month. My SME™ provides a hosting service that is not included in the R8,990 cost for the Entry Level Website. 

Timeframe: 14 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A website questionnaire.


– Comprehensive Home Page

– About Us and Team Page

– Products and Services Page

– Blog Page (Optional)

– Testimonials Page

– Contact Us Page

– Accreditations and Affiliations

– Inspirational Quote Banners

– Application Form

– Images and Copywriting incl.

– 3 Reverts Allowed

– Excl Hosting Fee (R99p/m)

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. Included in the questionnaire is a mandate for a monthly debit order that is for the monthly hosting fees. The questionnaire also provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to register or transfer a domain for the client and setup a standard 5 page website. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the standard 5 page website is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Standard Website consists of a 5 page website that has not been custom made. This Standard Website also does not include custom amendments to the 5 page website made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.6) Custom Website

Cost: From R14,990. My SME™ will setup a meeting with the client to accurately find out exactly what the client wants, a final quote will then be provided to the client based on their specific requirements. 

Additional Hosting Fees: R149 per month. My SME™ provides a hosting service that is not included in the final quote and cost for the Custom Website. 

Timeframe: 21 – 28 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A website questionnaire.


– Strategic Custom Design

– Lead Generation Focused

– Comprehensive Home Page

– About Us Page

– Team Page

– Products and Services Page

– Blog Page (Optional)

– Testimonials Page

– Contact Us Page

– ‘Other’ Pages

– Accreditations and Affiliations

– Inspirational Quote Banners

– Advanced Application Form

– Images and Copywriting incl.

– Excl Hosting Fee (R149p/m)

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. Included in the questionnaire is a mandate for a monthly debit order that is for the monthly hosting fees. The questionnaire also provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to register or transfer a domain for the client and setup a custom website. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the custom website is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Custom Website consists of a specific layout that has not been custom made for the client. This Custom Website includes custom amendments to the layout made by My SME™ for the client. 

A.7) My SME™ Strategic Monthly Marketing

Cost: From R4,990. My SME™ will setup a meeting with the client to accurately find out exactly what the client wants, a final quote will then be provided to the client based on their specific requirements. 

Timeframe: Monthly Retainer. 

Requirements: A marketing questionnaire.


– 3 x Posts p/w (LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram)

– 1 x SEO Article p/m

– Google / Facebook Ads Management

– Google AdWords Account

– Facebook Manager Account

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to setup a monthly marketing strategy. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the monthly marketing strategy is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The Monthly Marketing Management Service is for Business Owners looking for assistance with their Marketing to Generate Foot Traffic to their Website.

A.8) SEO and Online Presence Audit Service

Cost: From R9,990. My SME™ will setup a meeting with the client to accurately find out exactly what the client wants, a final quote will then be provided to the client based on their specific requirements. 

Timeframe: 21 – 28 Working days turnaround time.

Requirements: A marketing questionnaire.


– Website SEO & Strategy Audit

– Google Business Profile Audit

– Social Media SEO & Strategy Audit

– LinkedIn Page SEO & Audit

– Marketing Strategy: Website, Google Profile, Social Media, LinkedIn & Advertising

– WebGoogle Business Profile

– Social Media Pages

– LinkedIn Page

– Google AdWords Campaign

– Social Media Advertising Campaigns

Service Delivery: My SME™ sends a questionnaire to the clients that needs to be completed in full, before the service is delivered. The questionnaire provides space for the client to write their details in full. My SME™ uses the information provided by the client to do an SEO Audit. If the client does not provide sufficient information, My SME™ can make certain suggestions regarding the client’s trade and industry. However, this will only be assumptions and My SME will not be held liable if the SEO and Audit strategy is not up to standard or doesn’t comply with the client’s expectations. The SEO and Online Presence Audit Service is for Business Owners looking for assistance with their Marketing to Generate Foot Traffic to their Website.

B. Payment Terms and Conditions

B.1) Entry Level Brand Package

The Entry Level Brand Package costs R3,490. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.2) Small Business Brand Package

The Small Business Brand Package costs R7,900. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.3) Advanced Brand Package

The Advanced Brand Package costs R14,900. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.4) Entry Level Website

The Entry Level Website costs R3,990. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.5) Standard Website

The Standard Website costs R8,990. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.6) Custom Website

The Custom Website costs from R14,990 after consulting with what the client requires. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

B.7) Monthly Marketing Management

The Monthly Marketing Management costs from R4,990 after consulting with what the client requires. This service is a monthly retainer and the paymet is due on the 1st of every month. My SME™ only starts with the monthly management after receiving the proof of payment document.

A.8) SEO and Online Presence Audit Service

The SEO and Online Presence Audit Service costs from R14,990 after consulting with what the client requires. My SME™ only starts with the service after receiving the proof of payment document.

C. Non Guarantees

My SME™ provides branding and marketing services that is up to date and complies with most digital, media and marketing trends. My SME™ does not guarantee the following:

– Funding for your business.

– Investments for your business.

– Funding or a Funding Application at any given institute.

– Tenders or a Tender Application at any given institute.

– Successful Business Systems.

– A Successful Business Launch.

– A Successful Business.

– A Specific Number of Leads.

It is expressly recorded that no representations have been made to the client or warranties whether express or implied, having been given by or on behalf of My SME™ as to the products or service provided by the My SME™ to the client.

The client hereby indemnifies the My SME™ against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses of whatsoever nature, including consequential claims, arising from or in connection with, the client failing to comply with its obligations in terms of this terms and conditions.

The client agrees that neither My SME™ nor any of its employees will be liable for any negligent or innocent misrepresentations made to the client, nor shall the client be entitled to cancel any contract on those grounds.

D. Premature cancellation and failure to complete the Branding and Marketing service successfully

The once off payment or monthly payments for the Branding and Marketing services is non-refundable.

If a client wishes to end his / her Branding and Marketing service, he / she will not be refunded for cancelling the service prematurely. The client will also not be refunded if he / she doesn’t require Branding and Marketing service anymore.

My SME™ won’t take responsibility for the following and My SME™ will not provide the client with a refund if this is the case:

– Inability to connect to WIFI or the internet to complete the branding and marketing questionnaire.

– Failing to finish the branding and marketing questionnaire successfully.

– Failing to answer phone calls or emails which explains the steps to complete the branding and marketing service successfully.

E. General T’s & C’s

This agreement wholly supersedes and replaces any previous agreement(s) concerning the provision of services by the My SME™, which may have come into existence between the parties prior to the signing of this agreement, and irrespective of whether such previous agreement(s) came into existence through conduct, orally or in writing.

No variation, suspension, deletion, amendment or modification of this agreement shall be of any force or effect, unless recorded in writing and signed by the parties, and shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose and to the extent set out.

This agreement shall not be ceded or assigned nor the rights in terms hereof pledged or made over to any other party.

No indulgence or extension granted on the part of either party in exercising any right conferred upon such party in terms of this agreement shall constitute a waiver of any such right or novation of any term hereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other future exercise thereof, or the exercise of any right under this agreement.

F. Client Agreement

The client agrees to the terms and conditions set out in the T’s & C’s section, which will be applicable to the purchase of the Branding, Website and the Marketing services. By ordering and paying for the Branding, Website and the Marketing services, the client confirms that they have read and understand the terms and conditions and are bound thereto.

4. Privacy policy (POPI)

We respect your privacy and will protect it in accordance with POPI.

Should you decide to make use of our services, we may require you to provide us with personal information which includes but is not limited to:

– Your full name and surname.

– Company details.

– Your email address.

– Your mobile number.

You may impersonate or misrepresent any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or anything.

Subject to the below and your consent, the purpose of gathering/processing and storing your personal information is as follows:

– Complete the requisite registration forms in relation to the services on offer.

– To maintain a database of all client provided information to allow for access during service delivery and to meet our legal obligations with regards to information retention.

– In relation to the ordering, the sale and delivery of services and/or Goods.

– To contact you regarding current or new service and/or Goods or any other service and/or Goods offered by us.

Disclose your personal information to any third party other than as set out below:

– To our employees and/or third-party service providers who assist us to interact with you via our Website(s) and/or User System, email or any other method, for the ordering of service and/or Goods or when delivering service and/or Goods to you, and thus need to know your personal information in order to assist us to communicate with you properly and efficiently; To our divisions, affiliates and/or partners (including their employees and/or third-party service providers) in order for them to interact directly with you via email or any other method for purposes of sending you marketing material regarding any current or new service and/or Goods, new features, special offers or promotional items offered by them (if you have Opted In to receive such communication);

– To any Third-Party Seller for purposes of sending you an invoice for any service and/or Goods purchased from such Third-Party Seller.

My SME™ promise to never sell or make your personal information available to any third party other than as provided for in this policy.

My SME™ ensures that all of our employees, divisions, and partners having access to your personal information are bound by appropriate and legally binding confidentiality obligations in relation to your personal information.

Reviews and Ratings: Note that when you provide a rating or review on Facebook or Google Business, your testimonial will be visible on our website.